Helping Cancer Patients & Families
P.E.A.K.S. means People Everywhere are Kind and Sharing
This group lends its hands and hearts to help cancer patients that are struggling financially while they are in treament. They raise and donate about $70,000 annually to patients in cancer treatment at St Vincent Hospital, Billings Clinic, Big Horn Basin Regional Cancer Center and St Vincent's Frontier Cancer Center. They help close to 250 people each year with a variety of things from gas money for travel to treatment, to utilities and groceries. Taking away the financial burdens of daily life helps the patients concentrate on getting to treatment and getting well.
Attend this year's fundraising Event, Share The Spirit and P.E.A.K.S. raise the necessary funds to be able to administer patient grants. The St. Vincent Foundation manages this money so that all of the funds raised by volunteers can go directly to patients in need.
To learn more, visit http www.peaksbillings.com