A Dynamic Duo
Ariana & Aaron, twins looking for a ‘Forever Family’
Aaron and Ariana are two bubbly toddlers. They are inquisitive. While both only know a few words, they make sure that you know they have a lot to say. “They can light up a room with their smiles,” says their social worker, Lindsey Iczkowski.
You’d never know it by looking into their expressive eyes that these two have had a rough start in life. The twins were born at 25 weeks with underdeveloped tracheas. Over time, Aaron has grown stronger and only needs oxygen at night or when he’s sick. Inhalers keep him breathing strong. Ariana faces weightier challenges. Lindsey says, “Ariana currently has a tracheotomy, a gastrostomy tube (G-tube), and she is on a ventilator to assist with her breathing.” Because of her breathing issues, she needs nursing care 24 hours a day so her vital signs can be monitored continuously.
What’s heartbreaking for their social worker is the fact that these twins had to be separated at birth so that each could receive the care and love they needed while in foster care.
“There is nothing more that we want than to have siblings together if possible, especially twins,” says Lindsey. “The ‘twin bond’ still exists between them though. We are looking to have them adopted together, no exceptions at this time. The two deserve to be together. They’ve already gone the first two years of their life apart.”
Because of their special needs, the Department of Child and Family Services is looking for parents that are open to having nursing care within their home and are willing to be trained on the twin’s medical needs. Lindsey adds, “A stay at home parent is necessary because they are unable to attend daycare at this time. That will change in the future as they continue to get stronger.” The family also needs to know that getting the duo to medical and therapy appointments is critical. The good news is, as they’ve grown older, they’ve grown stronger. Lindsey says, “Both children have made significant progress with their breathing since they were born.”
When it comes to joy in their days, both toddlers love to smile, laugh and soak up all the attention they can get. Ariana loves the water, especially at bath time. Aaron can be shy around people at first but quickly warms up and shows off his silly side. “He loves to laugh and just smiles all the time,” Lindsey says. “He is a miniature energizer bunny and is always on the go!”
It’s evident that both have an inner strength that will only help them thrive in a loving and caring family of their very own. Lindsey says, “Despite all the struggles they have been through, their strength is unbelievable. Within seconds of someone meeting them, I guarantee they will be smiling or laughing because of the joy these two bring.”

To learn more about Ariana and Aaron or about the foster-adoption system in general, please contact Lindsey Iczkowski or Suzanne Braun at 657-3120. While these twins are in need of an adoptive home, many times the primary goal for children in the system is to have a temporary placement while social workers strive to reunify them with their biological family. Each family wanting to become a licensed foster/adoptive home must undergo 18 hours of mandatory training to learn the tools needed to become a successful foster family.