Honoring Mom

Readers Reflect on their best ever Mother's Days

On May 11, 2014 children far and wide will gather to honor the woman who gave them life — their mother. We asked a few of our readers to reminisce about some of their most precious Mother's Day memories.  

"My son Patrick, then four years old, and I were walking down our street, soaking up the signs of spring. Our walks were usually slower than I preferred. My goal was exercise. Patrick's goal was to see every detail around us, and filter through every neighbor’s landscape rock for perfect specimens to add to his shoebox collection. As I impatiently waited through one of his searches, I reminded myself that to him, this was really important. He came back with a pink rock in his hand. He'd been talking about Mother's Day in preschool, and knew it was coming up. He offered his treasure up to me, with a shy, "Happy Mother's Day, Mom." His gift is a reminder that my greatest Mother's Day gift is each of my children. I'm so grateful to have the opportunity to be a mother. ~Paula Close

"In September of 2012, I traveled to Stanford Medical Center to donate bone marrow to an unknown recipient. All I knew was that he was a 29-year-old man with Acute Myeloid Leukemia and didn't live in the USA. I was the only match worldwide — a perfect match. When people questioned why I would put myself through that for someone I didn't know, all I could say was, 'What a small thing to do to maybe save someone's life. I would hope someone would do it for my child.' The best Mother's Day gift I have given is to a mother I don't and will never know. It has been one of the greatest gifts I have ever given." ~Rosemary Erdmann


"My mom loved flowers, but she lived on a pretty tight budget. About 10 years ago, we started going to the nursery on Mother's Day. She would buy the things she wanted for her garden (within her budget), and then I would have her pick out something she thought was an 'extravagance.' The best part wasn't what we bought, it was spending time together. She shared all of her loves with me. She passed away last March, but my girls and I kept the tradition alive. It would be impossible for me to adequately express the meaning of those times together, but I think most mothers would agree that the best gift they ever received was their own mother." ~Tanya Santee

"Last year, my daughter who is five years old planned my day. We went to Wild Bill Lake by Red Lodge to fish, had lunch at Bogart's, and took a trip to the Candy Emporium. As a mom, there are untold blessings in watching your kids and also in watching your husband interact with your kids. Like the saying goes, you truly do not know the complete love you have for your spouse until you watch the love they have for your child. Although the day wasn't the traditional Mother's Day outing, it was completely relaxing and a true gift."  ~Renee Roth

"I had my first child on Mother's Day, which incidentally was also my birthday!" ~Lynette Siegle

"Three years ago, my siblings and I wanted to do something very special for my mom for Mother's Day. We got pictures of ourselves and of our kids and put them in a frame. In the middle on a heart we wrote 'The art of mothering is teaching the art of living to children.' She loved it so very much. Two weeks later, she got to see my sister graduate high school and two weeks after that she was there for my wedding. What we didn't know was that was the last Mother's Day we were going to spend with our mom. She passed away the next January." ~ Tera Carkhuff



"Six years ago, I was pregnant and everyone kept asking me what I wanted for Mother's Day. My answer was always that I wanted three things: to have the baby early, to be served breakfast in bed and to get a break from my two other children. Somehow, it all came true. I had a condition called HELLP, which is liver failure caused by pregnancy. The day before Mother's Day, I had the baby by emergency C-section. The doctors were amazed that both of us survived! But, I was in the hospital with my new little baby, being served breakfast in bed (even if it was hospital food), while my two older kids were home with Grandma.  It really was the best Mother's Day ever." ~ Abby Fogleman


"Mother's Day, 2000 I received breakfast in bed, a card and a gift as well as lots of hugs from my 9-month-old daughter. It was my first Mother’s Day as a mom and I will never forget it.  It was a day that was mine, a day to celebrate motherhood for the first time. Five years later came a Mother's Day that was a lot like that first one. Except now, I had a 6-year-old, a 4-year-old and my youngest was 5 months old.  Yes, in those five years I went from a mother of one to a mom of three (I have since added two more). I also went from a foster/adoptive mom to a biological mom.   Every Mother's Day is special to me. All five of my kids are 'my' kids. They all call me mom. For me, there is no comparison." ~Echo Jamieson

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