150 cooperative way | huntley, MT 59037 | PH: 406-348-3411
Boost Comfort & Cut COsts
why Insulating Your Home Reduces Energy Use and so much more
Yellowstone Valley Electric Cooperative
Insulating your home is one of the most effective ways to reduce energy consumption and lower utility bills. Insulation works by creating a barrier that helps regulate the temperature inside your home, keeping it warmer in winter and cooler in summer. As a result, your heating and cooling systems don't have to work as hard.
How much money can good insulation save you on your energy bill? The EPA estimates homeowners can save an average of 15% on heating and cooling costs just by air sealing their homes and adding insulation in attics, floors over crawl spaces and basements.

Insulation Helps All Year Round
During winter, insulation prevents heat from escaping through walls, roofs, and floors. This means your heating system can efficiently maintain a comfortable temperature, saving both energy and money. In the summer, insulation helps block out the heat, reducing the reliance on air conditioning to cool the home.
Insulation Improves Comfort
In addition to saving energy, proper insulation can also improve comfort levels within your home. It helps maintain a more consistent indoor temperature, preventing cold drafts in the winter and hot spots in the summer. Over time, the initial cost of insulating your home is offset by the savings on energy bills, making it a wise investment for your wallet.
Insulation is Better For The Environment
Did you know that having the best quality insulation can help the environment? Insulation improves energy efficiency, which means you'll consume less. Consuming less energy reduces greenhouse gas emissions and that translates to a smaller carbon footprint.
Insulation Helps Property Values
Homes and buildings that are energy-efficient, thanks to effective insulation, tend to have higher property values. Potential buyers often look for homes that offer long-term savings on utility bills, making energy efficiency a selling point.
As you can see, insulating your home brings about many benefits. It's an easy and effective strategy for reducing energy use. By ensuring that your home is well-insulated, you contribute to a more energy-efficient and sustainable future. And, when you invest a little extra, ensuring energy bills will be the lowest they can be, that only adds to your home's property value. It's a way to protect one of your biggest investments for years to come.
About Yellowstone Valley Electric Cooperative
Yellowstone Valley Electric Cooperative is a private, non-profit electric cooperative, which supplies electricity to Montana member/owners in Yellowstone, Stillwater, Carbon, Big Horn, Musselshell, & Treasure Counties. Electric cooperatives, such as YVEC, are locally & equally owned by all the members they serve. Members pay the lowest possible electric rates because profit margins are not added to their monthly electric bill. Any margins at year-end are allocated back to the members in the form of capital credits. Today, YVEC has a total of 20 distribution substations, two transmission substations & over 2,600 miles of line serving almost 22,000 meters.