150 cooperative way | huntley, MT 59037 | PH: 406-348-3411
Understanding the Surge
Common Causes of Increased Energy Consumption
Yellowstone Valley Electric Cooperative
When the cold winter months cause a dip in the temperature, it almost always causes a rise in our energy consumption. But, did you know there are some culprits that can cause an even bigger energy surge? We break it down for you so that you can help keep some of these hidden costs at bay.
Electric Heat
If you heat (or supplement) with electricity, like electric baseboards, plug-in space heaters, an electric furnace, or an electric boiler, colder temps or even a small change to your thermostat can cause higher usage. Even if you don't heat with electric, maybe you have baseboard heating that you don't use? If electric baseboards are not turned off at the breaker, they may be running even when you think they are off because many baseboard thermostats do not have an off position.
Hot Water
Do you have an electric hot water tank? Heating hot water with electricity will cost a typical household about $30-$50 per month. Also, small water leaks can quickly add up to hundreds of dollars on your bill, so be sure to fix leaky faucets as soon as you see them.
Hidden Energy Consumption
Do you still have heat tape plugged in that you forgot about? Maybe someone in your home is running a space heater in their bedroom. Did you buy new appliances or electronics this year? Maybe you put a dehumidifier in the garage. All these things can add up. Do an assessment of your home and check for hidden energy use.
Was your child home from college, or maybe you had guests staying with you for a visit? Extra showers, more lights, and adjusting the thermostat even just a couple degrees can all add up to higher electric consumption.
Space Heaters
One small space heater plugged in 8 hours a day can add about $50 to your monthly electric bill. Space heaters are a great way to increase the temperature in one room for a short period of time, but keep in mind that they can be costly to run and will result in a higher bill.
Thermostat Tinkering
Adjusting your thermostat just a few degrees can increase your heating bill by more than 10%. Changing to a programmable thermostat can make a huge difference and save you money by allowing you to automatically manage your heating needs so you don’t use energy when you don’t need to.
Did you know that upgrading your appliances to newer, more energy efficient models can also save you money in the long run? Lights, appliances, water heaters, and heating systems are all energy users that have improved considerably over time by using less energy. Upgrading when it makes sense can add up to significant savings in the long run. Yellowstone Valley Electric Cooperative also offers rebates! Visit www.yvec.com for more information.
About Yellowstone Valley Electric Cooperative
Yellowstone Valley Electric Cooperative is a private, non-profit electric cooperative, which supplies electricity to Montana member/owners in Yellowstone, Stillwater, Carbon, Big Horn, Musselshell, & Treasure Counties. Electric cooperatives, such as YVEC, are locally & equally owned by all the members they serve. Members pay the lowest possible electric rates because profit margins are not added to their monthly electric bill. Any margins at year-end are allocated back to the members in the form of capital credits. Today, YVEC has a total of 20 distribution substations, two transmission substations & over 2,600 miles of line serving almost 22,000 meters.